Scopri le videoricette a base di Gorgonzola IGOR


Piero Bertinotti
Piero Bertinotti
Pinocchio di Borgomanero (NO)

Pea cream and sweet Gorgonzola quenelles

difficolta ricettaEasy
tempo preparazione ricetta 30 min


for the cream:
1 sweet Gorgonzola package
200 g fresh or frozen peas
1 small leek,
1⁄4 white onion
4 asparagus from Cantello
1 package fresh cream,
salt, pepper
for the wafer:
50 g peas powder
50 g white flour
5 g butter
5 g whipped egg white
a pinch of dehydrated mint

A fresh breeze of spring in this recipe, filled with aroma and greens!


Chop the leek and the onion; caramelize them in olive oil on low heat. Add the previously boiled peas and stew for some minutes, then pour a little fresh cream until you obtain a bright green sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste. Blend and sieve, then keep warm. Steam the white asparagus from Cantello. Place the gorgonzola in a bowl and whip.Take a Martini glass, chop the asparagus into small pie- ces and arrange them on the bottom of the glass, then cover with the peas cream.Prepare a Gorgonzola quenelle with two spoons and place it inside the cream as if it was suspended. Garnish with the wafer. For the wafer add all the ingredients, then create some circles with a mold and cook quickly in pre-heated oven. Alternatively scent the peas while cooking with some mint leaves which you will eventually remove to garnish the Gorgonzola quenelles with some candied orange peelsdried from the syrup.

Pea cream and sweet Gorgonzola quenelles

difficoltà ricettaEasy
tempo preparazione ricetta 30 min


for the cream:
1 sweet Gorgonzola package
200 g fresh or frozen peas
1 small leek,
1⁄4 white onion
4 asparagus from Cantello
1 package fresh cream,
salt, pepper
for the wafer:
50 g peas powder
50 g white flour
5 g butter
5 g whipped egg white
a pinch of dehydrated mint

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